Intelligent Device-2-Applications (iDEA) Research Lab

iDEA group research interests span the areas of design and implementation of cross-layer (device/ circuit/ architecture) co-design for implementing complex machine learning tasks and secure computation, including hardware security, and the security of artificial intelligence. Specifically, we are working on a wide range of practical problems in the area of machine learning, computer architecture, and embedded systems to bridge the gap between neuromorphic and conventional Von Neumann computing.
We are always looking for highly motivated and self-driven Master's & Ph.D. students! (read more)
News (2023-present)
[December 2024]: Our paper “PINSim: A Processing In- and Near-Sensor Simulator to Model Intelligent Vision Sensors” has been accepted to IEEE Computer Architecture Letters (IEEE CAL).
[October 2024]: Our paper “SRC: Sustainable Reactive Computing for Battery-free Edge Intelligence” has been accepted to the International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC 2024, co-located with MICRO 2024).
[October 2024]: Our paper “APRIS: Approximate Processing ReRAM In-Sensor Architecture Enabling Artificial-Intelligence-Powered Edge” has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC).​
[September 2024]: Our paper “ChaoSen: Security Enhancement of Image Sensor through in-Sensor Chaotic Computing.” has been accepted to the IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD 2024).
[July 2024]: Our paper “ViTSen: Bridging Vision Transformers and Edge Computing with Advanced In/Near-Sensor Processing” has been accepted to ESWEEK 2024.
[May 2024]: Our paper “DECO: Dynamic Energy-Aware Compression and Optimization for In-Memory Neural Networks” is accepted to MWSCAS 2024.
[May 2024]: Congratulations to Sepehr for acceptance at Ph.D. forum at the Design Automation Conference (DAC 2024).
[May 2024]: Four papers have been accepted to ISVLSI 2024." Congratulations all!
[April 2024]: Our paper “RACSen: Residue Arithmetic and Chaotic Processing in Sensors to Enhance CMOS Imager Security” is accepted to GLSVLSI 2024.
[April 2024]: Congratulations to Neda for select as a Young Fellow at the Design Automation Conference (DAC 2024).
[Feb 2024]: Arman's NSF CAREER “Elastic Intermittent Computation Enabling Batteryless Edge Intelligence” is funded by NSF (abstract). Thanks, NSF, for the generous support!
[Feb 2024]: Our paper “ Intermittent-Aware Design Exploration of Systolic Array Using Various Non-Volatile Memory: A Comparative Study” is accepted to Micromachines Journal.
[Feb 2024]: Two papers have been accepted to DAC 2024. Congratulations all!
[Feb 2024]: Arman is invited to serve as a TPC member for GLSVLSI 2024.
[Feb 2024]: Our paper “Enabling Normally-off In-Situ Computing with a Magneto-Electric FET-based SRAM Design” is accepted to IEEE TED.
[Jan 2024]: Arman is invited to serve as a TPC member for ISLPED 2024.
[Dec 2023]: Arman is invited to serve as a TPC member for ICMI 2024.
[Nov 2023]: Three papers have been accepted to DATE 2024. Congratulations all!
[Oct 2023]: Arman is invited to serve as a TPC member for tinyML Research Symposium 2024.
[Oct 2023]: Our paper “Deep Mapper: A Multi-Channel Single-Cycle Near-Sensor DNN Accelerator” is accepted to ICRC.
[Oct 2023]: Arman is invited to serve as a TPC member for DAC 2024.
[Sep 2023]: Our project proposal entitled “CSR: Small: Cross-Layer Solutions Enabling Instant Computing for Edge Intelligence Devices” is funded by NSF (abstract). Thanks, NSF, for the generous support!
[Sep. 2023]: Our paper “EnCoDe: Enhancing Compressed Deep Learning Models through Feature Distillation and Informative Sample Selection” is accepted to ICMLA.
[August 2023]: Our paper “PiPSim: A Behavior-Level Modeling Tool for CNN Processing-in-Pixel Accelerators” is accepted to IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD).
[July 2023]: Arman is invited to give a talk at the Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS) Open Journal Webinar Series.
[July 2023]: Collaborative project proposal entitled “SaTC: CORE: Medium: Security and Robustness for Intermittent Computing Using Cross-Layer Post-CMOS Approaches” is funded by NSF (abstract). Thanks, NSF, for the generous support!
[July 2023]: Congratulations to Sepehr on receiving the Mary E. and Elmer H. Dohrmann Fellowship (2023-2024).
[July 2023]: Congratulations to Sepehr for select as a young fellow at the Design Automation Conference (DAC)(2023-2024).
[July 2023]: Arman is invited to serve as a TPC member for ISQED 2024.
[July 2023]: Our paper “Design and Evaluation of a Near-Sensor Magneto-Electric FET-based Event Detector” is accepted to IEEE TED.
[July 2023]: Our paper “Ocellus: Highly Parallel Convolution-in-Pixel Scheme Realizing Power-Delay-Efficient Edge Intelligence” has been selected as the Best Paper Candidate in ISLPED 2023.
[July 2023]: Our paper “PISA: A Non-Volatile Processing-In-Sensor Accelerator for Imaging Systems” is accepted to IEEE TETC 2023.
[June 2023]: Arman is invited to serve as a TPC member for ICCD 2023.
[June 2023]: Our paper “Near-Sensor Processing Accelerator for Approximate Local Binary Pattern Networks” is accepted to IEEE TETC 2023.
[June 2023]: Our paper “Comparative Study of Low Bit-width DNN Accelerators: Opportunities and Challenges” is accepted to MWSCAS 2023.
[May 2023]: Our paper “Ocellus: Highly Parallel Convolution-in-Pixel Scheme Realizing Power-Delay-Efficient Edge Intelligence” is accepted to ISLPED 2023.
[May 2023]: Arman is invited to give a talk at the Multicore and Multiprocessor SoCs (MPSoC) 2023.
[April 2023]: Congratulations to Sepehr on receiving the Milton E. Mohr Fellowship (2023-2024).
[March 2023]: Our paper “SenTer: A Reconfigurable Processing-in-Sensor Architecture Enabling Efficient Ternary MLP” is accepted to GLSVLSI 2023. Congrats all!
[Mar 2023]: Arman is invited to serve as a TPC member for NOCS 2023.
[Feb 2023]: Arman is invited to serve as a Track Chair for ISVLSI 2023.
[Feb 2023]: Arman is elevated to the grade of IEEE Senior Member. Thanks all for your support!
[Feb 2023]: Our paper “AppCiP: Energy-Efficient Approximate Convolution-in-Pixel Scheme for Neural Network Acceleration” is accepted to IEEE JETCAS. Congrats all!
[Jan 2023]: Our paper “XOR-CiM: An Efficient Computing-in-SOT-MRAM Design for Binary Neural Network Acceleration” is accepted to ISQED 2023. Congrats all!
[Jan 2023]: Arman is invited to serve as a TPC member for GLSVLSI 2023.
[Jan 2023]: I am invited to serve as a session chair for the tinyML Research Symposium 2023.
[Jan 2023]: Our paper “NeSe: Near-Sensor Event-Driven Scheme for Low Power Energy Harvesting Sensors” is accepted to ISCAS 2023. Congrats all!
[Jan 2023]: Arman is invited to serve as a TPC member for ISLPED 2023.
Archived News (2022)
[Dec 2022]: Arman is invited to serve as a TPC member for the tinyML Research Symposium 2023.
[Nov 2022]: Our paper “P-PIM: A Parallel Processing-in-DRAM Framework Enabling RowHammer Protection” is accepted to DATE 2023. Congrats all!
[Nov 2022]: Our paper “LT-PIM: An LUT-based Processing-in-DRAM Architecture with RowHammer Self-Tracking” is accepted to IEEE Computer Architecture Letters (CAL). Congrats all!
[Oct 2022]: Our paper “Ocelli: Efficient Processing-in-Pixel Array Enabling Edge Inference of Ternary Neural Networks” is accepted to Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications.
[Oct 2022]: Our paper “HARDeNN: Hardware-assisted Attack-resilient Deep Neural Network Architectures” is accepted to Microprocessors & Microsystems. Congrats all!
[Sep 2022]: Our paper “MR-PIPA: An Integrated Multi-level RRAM (HfOx) based Processing-In-Pixel Accelerator” is accepted to IEEE Journal on Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices and Circuits (JXCDC). Congrats all!
[Sep 2022]: Collaborative project proposal entitled “Integrated Sensing and Normally-off Computing for Edge Imaging Systems” is funded by NSF (abstract). Thanks, NSF, for the generous support!
[Sep 2022]: Our paper “semiMul: Floating-Point Free Implementations for Efficient and Accurate Neural Network Training” is accepted to ICMLA 2022. Congrats all!
[Aug 2022]: Congratulations to Sepehr on receiving the Othmer Fellowship (2022-2024).
[Aug 2022]: Our paper “TizBin: A Low-Power Image Sensor with Event and Object Detection Using Efficient Processing-in-Pixel Schemes” is accepted to ICCD 2022. Congrats all!
[Aug 2022]: Our paper “Enabling Intelligent IoTs for Histopathology Image Analysis Using Convolutional Neural Networks” is accepted to Micromachines. Congrats all!
[Aug 2022]: Arman is invited to serve as a TPC member for ISQED 2023.
[July 2022]: Our paper “ReD-LUT: Reconfigurable In-DRAM LUTs Enabling Massive Parallel Computation” is accepted to ICCAD 2022. Congrats all!
[July 2022]: Congratulations to Sepehr on receiving the 2022 IEEE Circuits and Systems Student Grant to attend MWSCAS.
[July 2022]: Arman is invited to serve as a Track Chair for VLSID 2023.
[July 2022]: Our paper “A Processing-in-Pixel Accelerator based on Multi-level HfOx ReRAM” is accepted to ESWEEK CASES 2022. Congrats all!
[June 2022]: Arman is invited to serve as a TPC member for NOCS 2022.
[May 2022]: Our paper “FlexiDRAM: A Flexible in-DRAM Framework to Enable Parallel General-Purpose Computation” is accepted to ISLPED 2022. Congrats all!
[May 2022]: Our paper “Design and Evaluation of a Robust Power-Efficient Ternary SRAM Cell” is accepted to MWSCAS 2022. Congrats all!
[May 2022]: Our paper “EaseMiss: HW/SW Co-Optimization for Efficient Large Matrix-Matrix Multiply Operations” is accepted to DCAS 2022. Congrats all!
[Apr 2022]: Arman is invited to serve as a TPC member for ICCD 2022.
[Mar 2022]: Arman is invited to serve as a TPC member for ISVLSI 2022.
[Mar 2022]: Our paper “Enabling Efficient Training of Convolutional Neural Networks for Histopathology Images” is accepted to DHW 2022.
[Mar 2022]: Arman is invited to serve as a TPC member for MWSCAS 2022.
[Feb 2022]: Our paper “Efficient Targeted Bit-Flip Attack Against the Local Binary Pattern Network” is accepted to HOST 2022. Congrats all!
[Jan 2022]: Our paper “SCiMA: a Generic Single-Cycle Compute-in-Memory Acceleration Scheme for Matrix Computations” is accepted to ISCAS 2022. Congrats all!

©2023 by iDEA Lab.